Full Mouth Reconstruction with Dr Lukas LASSMANN
at La Cité du Vin, Bordeaux
Every year, GAD Center organises a unique seminar with an international lecturer. After having welcomed Florin Cofar, David Norré and Tomas Linkevicius, we are delighted to announce a brand new conference : this year we welcome Dr Lukas Lassmann to the Cité du Vin to present his unique concept.
Who is the Dr Lukas Lassmann ?
Łukasz Lassmann is the cofounder of the Dental Sense clinic and head of the medical team. He is a member of the Polish Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry and the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. Since the very beginning of his professional career he has specialised in aesthetic dentistry, prosthetics and complete bite reconstruction.
The main aspects of the programme :
2 days of congress – Exclusivity GAD Center
Day 1 : Thursday 31 August
- Disc pathology – how to differentiate it and when intervention is necessary
- How to distinguish between locks of muscle and articular origin
- Synovial pain map of the temporomandibular joint
- Radiological picture of disorders of the temporomandibular joint
- How to examine the temporomandibular joint
- ADVANCED EXAMINATION – deep dive into the rabbit whole
- Local myalgia, Spasm, Protective co-contraction, Myofascial pain, Centrally modulated myalgia – why is it important to distinguish those conditions ?
- Masticatory muscles – controversy related to the function and study of the masticatory muscles.
- What are trigger points and what is their importance in dentistry?
- The influence of cervical vertebrae (C1-C2), tongue, body posture and sleep apnea on joint and bite disorders – a curiosity or a standard of treatment? Controversies in the world of science.
- Adaptation – what is it, what are its effects, how to recognize if the patient is already adapted and how to treat in cases of aesthetic and functional reconstructions.
- Occlusive Philosophies – In Search of a Common Denominator
- Over the past hundred years, we have seen at least five completely different condyle positions in the temporomandibular joint, and each position was considered the best. At the same time, the definition of the central relation itself has changed 26 times, and the commonly considered compulsory incisal and canine leads have lost their importance. It also turned out that « bad occlusion » does not cause bruxism, and the basis of TMD has more to do with medicine than dentistry – which is still unacceptable in many circles.
- So let’s take a look at how it all started, how it changed and why many so-called occlusive philosophies contradict each other. Do we really have to take one of the « sides » or are there common denominators?
- 5 different condyle positions – DO WE NEED A CENTRIC RELATION ? What the guidelines and professional ethics say in relation to the current state of scientific knowledge.
- Leaf gauge – What is it? When / should I use it? How to use it?
- Demonstration of working with the leaf gauge
- Bite registration during the preparation of single teeth and full arches.
- Deprogramming – a Necessity for CR or Pseudoscience?
Day 2 : Friday 1st September
- Kois deprogrammer – how to determine the height of the platform
- Bite registration on the deprogrammer
- Lassmann Incisal Pin (LIP Technique)
- Dawson’s manipulation
- How to verify the correctness of registration
- Vertical Occlusal Dimension & Oral appliances (splints) – how to to help and not hurt.
- Vertical occlusal dimension – what are the limitations ? Should we be „that” precise ?
- Influence of changes in the vertical dimension of occlusion on airways
- Nightguard/splints – when, what material? How to register the bite for the splint?
- What contacts and guidance? Splint delivery and relining the splints.
- How to start with Monday morning patient ? Algorithms and decision tree for full mouth reconstruction.
- When not to change the existing bite?
- When should we choose a tool to make bite repeatable and easy to register ? Which tool should we choose ?
- Full protocol: when? What ? Which visit? How much time should each procedure take and how much?
- Idiopathic TMD – A New Look at Old Problems.
- Rare and idiopathic conditions in a dental office – what have we learned ?
- We know that women and men have statistically the same bite, but the incidence of TMD in women is many times higher. It turns out that the causes of facial pain are much more complex and far from the area that dentists know best.
- So let’s go out, moreover, what we’ve been taught so far, and on the basis of the latest research in prestigious magazines, let’s answer the question: why does it hurt? Why should we look deeper into general and functional medicine ? What is a role of gut microbiota and GERD in chronic Orofacial pain ? How can lifestyle medicine and psychedelics make a difference in chronic Orofacial pain treatment ?
Throughout the two days, the will be plenty of opportunities for unique and face to face discussions with our speaker, so please join us for this unique event.
Contact : by email celine@gad-center.com
Price : 1 550€